pen 1pen n. ペン; 文筆, 著作; 文体, 筆力. 【動詞+】 bite one's pen and scowl (文が思うように書けないので)筆をくわえて眉をしかめる He capped his pen and replaced it in his pocket. ペンにキャップをするとポケットに戻した This demands the pen of
sword sword n. 剣, 刀. 【動詞+】 They have beaten their swords into plowshares. 剣をすきに打ち変えた (cf. Isa. 2:4, Mic. 4:3) belt on one's sword 腰に刀をつる brandish a sword (おどすように)刀を振り回す carry a s
it is said that he not only exceled in bravery , but that he also enjoyed literature and studied waka (classic japanese poetry ); he was a commander with both wisdom and courage , skilled in wielding both the sword and the pen . 武勇に優れるだけではなく、文学にも親しみ、和歌にも造詣の深い、智勇兼備・文武兼備の武将であったと言われている。